
How To Help

The Andrew James Lancashire Memorial Fund is a subfund of the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.

This charitable subfund account was established on Andrew’s Anniversary date 23rd Nov.2011. We see Andrew lives on, in his gift and providing hope to others. It was important to keep his memory alive and this helps to give his life some meaning by helping others.

The main beneficiary is the Sarcoma Services, to target research in Osteosarcoma at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

For more on Andrew James Lancashire, see article in Herald Sun on 29th November 2012 in ‘Lift Out’ column under Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.

You can help by making a donation to the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation.

To donate, click on the ‘Make A Donation’ button below, fill out your donation details on the website’s secure online donation form and select the ‘Andrew James Lancashire Memorial Fund’ campaign drop down menu. Donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible.